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Our cheekiest chap, Ollie, is truly embracing his holiday by assisting his grandma crafting cooking stoves, first beating corrugated roof panels flat to be cut into shape and welded before Ollie takes great care in packing the clay around the interior rim, understanding its importance in retaining heat and reducing the amount of coal needed for cooking. Through his dedication to helping his grandma and mastering the art of stove-making, Ollie embodies the spirit of craftsmanship and heritage, ensuring that these valuable skills are passed down through generations.

Last year ten children benefited from our Homestay programme spending a total of 90 days with biological family during school holidays in communities they're familiar with. While Homestays are not suitable for every child, particularly those at risk, we hope that by developing family relationships the kids will develop a strong identity and sense of belonging.


Follow our journey bringing hope to vulnerable children in Sierra Leone - please and share to raise awareness for Ebola’s Generation and children living with disabilities.

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