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Mo Bangura


The Makelekos All-Stars set to cleaning some more land for Hope Sakuma's new extension cassava and cashew farm, always leaving our older trees in place to oversee our saplings.

Now rainy season is drawing to a close and the heavy clearing is done it's time for the ladies to join the team and help with the weeding. With cashew saplings planted and staked the plot's nearly ready for cassava heaps to be dug. And at the end of the day the farmers take a well-earned rest and have their fill of food.

Our Hope Sakuma's Farmer Field School will learn how by diversifying into these drought-resistant crops nutrition and food security will be improve i n rainy season and at times of climate stress. Improving resilience for 23 villages flying the Hope Sakuma colours, taking practical steps to adapt to climate change.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate adaptation in Sierra Leone.

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