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Mo Bangura


Enjoy a minutes walk through our cassava and cashew farm. Last time we saw the farm, back in April, it was looking very bare. Now, after the first rains it's looking lush as lush can be!

Visiting Najala University graduate (in the green top), with farm coordinator Sheku and engineer Amara visits a key component of Hope Sakuma programme and farmer field school - diversifying into drought-resistant crops like the 15 acres of cassava and cashew here - the largest cassava farm in the chiefdom. Both highly nutritious alternatives to staples, rice and groundnut, helping farmers in Sanda Magbolontor chiefdom take practical steps to adapt to climate change.

Another cashew 600 saplings kindly donated by Coopi are being planted on 15 more acres of the demonstration farm and the sticks from this original site will seed cassava farms throughout Sanda Magbolontor when they begin to mature next year.

Our Najala graduate observes some of the weeks work by the Makelakos All-Stars, making precision seed beds to nurse the nerica seed harvested in May and the buttercup seed harvested in June at 13 IVS sites across the south Sanda Magbolontor. Our graduate's going to help us plan the curriculum for our permanent farmer field school starting November after rainy season.

Next up a visit to Hope Sakuma's first demonstration plots - the Makelakos boys have done a grand job in the past week with half now cleaned. Farmers from our 20 FBO's will learn here at our permanent farmer field school how to farm Nerica rice intensively but sustainably using and researching a range of natural alternative fertilizers, that will dramatically reduce subsistence farmers costs and boost yield.


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women to improve nutrition, food security and climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.

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