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Mo Bangura

Hope Sakuma's 2018 team - six Sanda Magbolontor villages working in five groups - each receive their reward from last years groundnut harvest, a huge and well-deserved half the harvest!

Five bushel of groundnut for each of the six villages - Manays, Massilah, RoGbin, RoGbaran, RoYeima and RoRate - to do with as they wish, to plant, eat or sell.

Reward not just for five groups but for the six villages, more than our 30% agreement- a fair share in recognition of these farmers hard work and worth more than a million Leone's for each village. And with the balance of the harvest seeding 4 more groundnut farms in Sanda Magbolontor 15 more villages will benefit from improved nutrition and livelihoods.

Before the grand groundnut distribution Mr Williams and Farm Coordinator Sheku patiently spend some time explaining that the nerica project for Manays, Massilah, RoGbin, RoGbaran, RoYeima and RoRate is ready to go straight-away and just as soon as Hope Sakuma receive the 4 bushel of nerica rice, 17 headpans and 17 shovels and 1.8 million Leone's feeding money for the six villages back from Andrew. Andrew was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting despite an invitation from the local Councillor.

In Sierra Leone it's sad to state but usual to work just for food and last year Hope Sakuma provided feeding for these villages every month of the year not just during rainy season but Hope Sakuma's mission is to change that narrative, to give something extra back to farmers, their independence and dignity.

So not just food, not just these groundnut but tools, training, cash money to register their farming teams as well as a fair share of future profits according to their contribution, designing in gender-balance, building capacity and delivering independence for rural subsistence farmers.

A big thank you to Society 4 Climate Change Communications investigating illegal logging in the Chiefdom and on-hand to witness the meet with Mr Alfred Fornah kindly aiding translation and Mr Vidal Sesay behind the camera!


Please and share our sustainable farming journey empowering rural women with climate-smart technology to improve nutrition, food security, livelihoods and adaptation in Sierra Leone.

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Netherlands Company Registration: KvK 62994182

Netherlands ANBI Registration: 855045462


Sierra Leone Company Registration: TIN 1000449319

Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance & Economic Development Registration: NNGO/24/20335

Sierra Leone Ministry of Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs Registration: MSGCA/VOL: N367/2016
Western Rural District Council ICC Registration: 004/2024-25

Sierra Leone Association of Non Governmental Organizations Registration: NNGO-RN00199


Sierra Leone Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:  NGO/BV/PL61

Sierra Leone Karene District Council: KneDC/NGO/19/001

Sierra Leone National Federation of Farmers: MAFFSL/CA0067​

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We hold donor and sponsors personal information securely and will never share data with third parties, excepting the police and security services in pursuit of criminal activity including fraud prevention and detection and the Sierra Leone Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs for the purposes of safegaurding children and child protection.


© 2015-25  Hope 4 Ebola Orphans Sierra Leone

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